4 Great Ways To Love Your Spine

4 Great Ways To Love Your Spine

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you’re sharing the day with someone special or just treating yourself, take some time today and in the coming weeks to show some love to your spine. Your spine works day in and day out to provide support for your whole body and aid in movement, so give it some TLC! In today’s blog, we’re going to share four ways that you can love your spine and keep it healthy for years to come.

Loving Your Back

Here are four simple habits that you can do on a regular basis to show some love for your back.

1. Exercise – Exercise has so many health benefits for your spine. It helps to increase healthy blood flow to crucial structures, it strengthens key muscles groups and it helps us maintain a healthy weight, which takes stress off our spine. Whether you get your exercise in the traditional way by running or at a gym, or you partake in activities like yoga or Pilates, these types of actions are great for your spine. Try to exercise at least every other day to help keep your spine strong and healthy.

2. Diet – Your diet also plays a pivotal role in the health of your back, so try to make some good dietary decisions on a regular basis. It’s fine to indulge in some chocolate on Valentine’s Day, but make sure you’re not overindulging on sugars or carbohydrates on a daily basis, as these products can contribute to the onset of spinal inflammation. This inflammation can compress key structures and make some movements painful. Make sure you’re getting plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, as these will help key muscle groups in the spine functioning as they should.

3. Kick The Bad Habits – When we’re younger we’re often a little more reckless with our bodies, and that can lead to some bad habits that stick with us longer than they should. For example, tobacco use can contribute to the shrinking of our spinal discs, which are important in helping to ensure our spine can move fluidly. Heavy alcohol use over the years can contribute to a number of spinal conditions, including herniated discs, degenerative disc disease or facet disease. Try to cut back or eliminate these habits altogether, and your spine will thank you for it.

4. Stop Small Problems – Finally, one last thing you can do for your back is to stop small issues before they grow into larger problems. Minor back pain isn’t just something to live with, because left untreated, it’s only going to get worse. Small problems are also much easier to treat than more significant problems, so the sooner you get the problem looked at and treated, the higher the likelihood you’ll be able to make a full recovery. Remember, back pain isn’t normal, so get the issue examined, diagnosed and treated so you can get on with a pain-free life.

For more tips on how to show your spine some love, or to have a specialist look at your spine, reach out to Dr. Chang’s office today.

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